
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Website Updates

I've taken the time today to update some of my website. You might notice that some of the links to Firefox and the Google Pack are gone, and things like the videos sidebar have replaced them. The Search box at the top of the page, the videos sidebar, and the advertisements at the bottom of the page are all AdSense ads, which generate very small amounts of money for me whenever somebody clicks them. Eventually, that small amount will add up to $100 or so, and they'll actually send it to me! :) Seriously though, I picked videos for the sidebar from Improv Everywhere. They do some seriously impressive improvisational stunts. If you've not heard of them before, check out a few of the videos that are linked on the right side of this page. My personal favorite is 'Frozen Grand Central', but they're all good.

Another new feature is the "Followers" section on the right. You can now sign up to be a 'follower' of my blog, so you're sure to get updates when I post new entries, and maybe also help get my blog a little bit of notice. You can sign in with your existing Google or Open ID account, so Try it Out!

Anyway, with a new baby on the way, I'm once again going to make an effort to post blog entries here more frequently. We'll see how that works. For now, take a look around and try out some of the new features.

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